873 Waterman Ave.
East Providence. RI 02914
Registration: Please call (401) 432-7195
MAGIC, CHARMS and SPELLS Friday-Oct.9th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
The wonder of magic at your fingertips! October's harvest moon and celebration of Samhaim is the most perferct time of the year to manifest. Class will learn how to "white" cast for prosperity, soul mate, career or anything needed in your life. Learn the history of charms, spells, and tools of divination. Materials provided. Fee: $25/person

Friday-Oct.23rd, 6-9 pm
This course teaches the foundations of Tantra and Kamasutra based on the principles of sexual energy. We'll discuss basic forms, postures, and techniques exploring our spiritual-sensual side. You will learn to be more expressive and less inhibited by releasing our spirit to a higher realm. Adults only. Required materials: mat, pillow, gym or yoga attire. Fee: $40/person
BONUS - Free Kamasutra Tarot reading! Saturday-Nov. 14th, 1:00-3:00 pm
Are you highly intuitive or clairvoyant? Everyone is born with a sixth sense but most of us don't know how to use it. We'll learn methods and techniques on ways to improve your psychic ability. The history of this phenomenon will be discussed and we'll play psychic games testing each other's mind power. Lots of fun! Materials provided. Fee: $25/person