In case you were wondering - no, I was not abducted by aliens nor did I fall off the face of the earth. I simply was doing, and doing, and doing! Doing what? Well, everything else but
my blog. I go where I'm needed most until the job is done, especially when it comes to family.
Now comes an abreviated version of the events from the past weeks. So sit back and blog on...

On September 3rd, acclaimed spiritual channeler, Roland Comtois, was my guest on the "Healing Touch". This wonderful man talked about his very first book, "
And Then There Was Heaven". Roland spoke about life changing experiences that prompted him to put them on paper and share with the world. The book is profoundly spiritual with love, hope and faith spread in each story. Look for the book online and in major bookstores. Thank you, Roland, for all the gifts and blessings!
Gigi Desaulniers, proprietor of
Gigi's Global Specialty Art and Gifts was on September

10th. Gigi has an exciting blend of artwork at her store located on 68 South Main St., Woonsocket, RI 02895. Beautifully displayed are works from various regional artists - canvas to jewelry, sewing to yoga, but most impressively is the organization she founded. IPAE ( Institute for Poverty Awareness and Education) is an organization that assists with micro loans for women in India. To read or support her cause please go to her website:
In the world of crystals...real estate - use citrine in your house, display them as geodes in the living room or bedroom as a way to increase marketability.
emotional balance - garnet has been known to help depression and emotional trauma, good for magic and spells, too ( just in time for Halloween! ).
arguments - amethyst and kunzite has the ability to soften bad vibes and disperse negative emotional energy. Great for work atmosphere and family situations.
gardens - sphene is wonderful when placed in a plant pot or garden. Try it and watch your garden grow!
Good for Mother EarthUse corn gluten meal to get rid of dandelions and other weeds harmlessly. It's safe for people, pets and our planet and it works! Organic fertilizers is one way to to keep the environment safe from poisonous chemicals. Use materials such as mulch, bone meal, compost and manure. Gas powered mowers OUT - rotary mower IN. Imagine less toxins in the airs, saving money and losing weight all at the same time with one proactive decision - a push mower!