The Healing Touch...your connection to holistic wellness in Southern New England. Therapy, classes, Expos, travel and more! live stream or 1380 am WNRI 9:30 Thursday mornings. Follow us on FACEBOOK: Tea Leaf & Tarot
The Paranormal and Occult Experience
Enter the maze and explore the phenomenon of the crystal ball, the ouija board, ghosts & apparitions, legend of the vampire and exorcisms and have a HACK of a good time!
The Psychic Parlor Emporium
Enter the parlor of mediums and channelers into the realm of the unknown.
Visit the Spell Casting Cauldron for a spell binding experience!
Special FX Face Painting
For all your gory needs!
Magickal Gift Shop
Crystals, candles, herbs for all witches and warlocks
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tarot 101 Certification
Mohegan Sun Day Trip
STRESS BREAK! Come join us on this trip to Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville CT for a day with lady luck! Bus departs from Warwick (Sears Auto Parking Lot) at 9:30am and from Wickford Village at 10:00am. Cost: $20/pp includes buffet and two(2) $5.00 free bet coupons.
Must be 21 years of age. Don't forget to bring your lucky amulets and charms!!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Bodies wanted! Visit famous haunted sites in RI on this spooky bus ride. Surprises! Costumes welcome. Dare to join us? You may bring electro-magnectic devices, EVP, cameras, anything you need to capture or record any hauntings. Departs from Wickford. Tickets in advance, reservation required. Call 545-0303 or e-mail $40
Shamanic Guide & Journey - Saturday, 10/9/10 1-3pm
Take a spiritual journey and meet your animal guide, but first learn the steps and techniques into past life regression the shamanic way. Call to reserve your seat. $30
Divination Tools - Sunday, 10/10/10 3-4pm
From readings, rods to pendulums, learn complimentary tools used to create a desired manifestation. Call to reserve. $20
Magic, Charms & Spells - Sunday, 10/10/10 2-3pm
The wonder of magic at your fingertips! Learn the history of divination and perform "white casting" on this special day. Call to reserve. $20
Introduction To Wicca - Sunday, 10/10/10 1-2pm
A broad look at the traditions, beliefs and rituals of this Neopagan religion. Call to reserve. $20
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Scary enough for ya!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
ENTER THE PSYCHIC PARLOR EMPORIUM - Step into the realm of the unknown, if you dare. Prophecies, fortunes and forecasting awaits you as multi-readers from psychics to mediums read your energy. Variety of diviners every night!!!

Manifest your fortune at the SPELL CASTING CAULDRON
Wave your wand cast away!!!
Special FX Face Painting and a Magickal Gift Shop!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
FESTIVE FALL at Tea Leaf & Tarot
at Tea Leaf & Tarot
Please call, e-mail or come in person to reserve your seat.
Space is limited, first come basis.
Morning Meditation - 4, 11, 18, 25, 9:00am - Series A
5, 12, 19, 26, 9:00am - Series B
For the meditation beginner. Gentle introduction to breathwork and contemplation. Required:
loose fitted clothing & mat.
30 mins. $5 per class
Makko Ho - 4, 11, 18, 25, 9:30am - Series A
5, 12, 19, 26, 9:30am - Series B
A must for all healers and therapists. Gentle Asian style exercise aimed to unstagnate pathways
and meridians for proper "chi" flow. Required: loose fitted clothing & mat.
30 mins. $7 per class
Beginner Tai Chi - 4, 11, 18, 25, 10:00am - Series A
5, 12, 19, 26, 10:00am - Series B
For the very beginner. Slow, gentle approach to this ancient form of mind/body connection aimed to relieve stress, combat ailments and achieve overall harmony. Required: loose fitted clothing.
1 hr. $10 per class
Tarot 101 Certification- 7, 14, 21, 28, 6:00pm
Learn the art and interpretation of the Tarot. In-depth look at layouts and style of cards. Student will receive certification from Tea Leaf & Tarot.
1 hr. $80 entire course
Divination Tools - 7, 7:00pm
Discover tools and methods of divining such a scrying with a mirror or crystal ball, dowsing with rods or pendulums and other styles.
1 hr. $20 per class
Reiki 1 Certification - 11 & 12, 12:00pm-6:00pm
Learn the Japanese style of hands on healing with Usui method. Energy fields, chakra systems and hand placements will be studied. Please note this is an in-depth course that focuses on the science of healing and energy.
$125 per course
Tea & Anti-Aging - 15, 6:00pm
Discover the secrets of teas used for anti-aging. Learn types of teas and steeping tips, topical applications of teas and cosmetic teas. Samples included in class.
$20 per class
Pre-Natal Reiki - 18, 3:00pm
For all mother's-to-be. Learn to give Reiki to your child in utero and reap the benefits of emotional and physical healing. Learn techniques given for each trimester.
$20 per class
Increase Your Psychic Ability-18, 5:00-7:00pm
Are you highly intuitive? Everyone is born with a sixth sense but most of us don't know how to use it. We'll learn methods and techniques on ways to improve your psychic ability. The history of this phenomenon will be discussed and we'll play psychic games testing each other's mind power. Lots of fun! Materials provided.
$25 per class
Natural Skin Care - 19, 3:00pm
Learn natural products and techniques from the bounty of Mother Nature! Secrets from women all over the world to brighten complexion and tighten skin. A must before the holidays! Materials provided. Required: face and hand towels.
$25 per class
Friday Nite Tea Party - 24, 6:00pm
Tea tasting party! Sample tea flavors from around the world. Learn steeping tips and medicinal benefits of this wonderful beverage. Meet fellow tea lovers at this yummy event.
$10 per class
DreamScapes - 25, 1:00pm
Do you want to know more about your dreams? Learn about the dream cycle, symbols and meanings of the dream world. Learn how to use your dreams for guidance and empowerment. Tips on making a dream journal.
$20 per class
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wickford Artfest Vendor Space
Saturday, June 12, 2010
June 20th - Summer Solstice Celebration!
On June 20th at 3:00pm Tea Leaf & Tarot will be celebrating the summer solstice on the deck. Come join us for an afternoon of merryment and dress in your favorite spiritual attire! Pagan, fairy, Eastern, Native American, etc. whatever you'd like to come dressed as. Do have poetry you'd like to share? A song you'd like to chant? We'd love to hear it! Please rsvp at 545-0303 or Admission is by donation only. See you there!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Summer Solstice Drumming Circle
Spiritual Readings
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Energy packed month of May!
TEA LEAF & TAROT will hold numerous events as May kicks off the spring and summer with a bang!
May 12, 5-9 pm Ladies Night - tarot card readings, mini-spa services such as reflexology, natural face-lift, reiki...relax, rejuvenate and enjoy a healthy cup of tea! $10 and up.
May 15, 1 pm The Art of Tea - learn about the world of TEA, categories and brewing techniques, tea tasting and yummy treats! $10 pp
May 16, 23, 30, & June 6, 1 pm Beginning Watercolor - 4 part series $12 per session with Artist Elana
May 19, 5-9 pm Tarot Card Reading - multi reader event $1/minute
May 22, 1 pm Dreamscapes Workshop with David and Miki $30 pp
Connecting With Your Dreams
Do you remember your dreams? Our culture is the only one that doesn't place value on dreams. We're told they're just a way for our brains to process random bits of information and experience. Dreams are so much more than that. They provide us with wisdom, guidance, and healing. They are sources of fun and creativity. We spend approximately one third of our lives sleeping. Learn to make the most of that time. Join us for a powerful and fun workshop on reconnecting with dreams. A form of self-hypnosis will be taught. Dream journals will be also be created. David Barr has studied with Susan Morgan of the Mystic Dream Center and author/dream teacher Robert Moss.
May 23, 3 pm The Art of Feng Shui Part 1- Learn how to change or improve your life with the Chinese art of furniture placement and energy flow. Part 1 focuses on the eight aspirational areas of your home. Find out why you're "stuck" and learn how fix problem areas in your life for personal fulfillment and happiness. $15 pp
May 26, 5-9 pm Tarot Card Reading - multi reader event $1/minute
May 27, 7 pm Full Moon Manifestation - harness the power and energy as we manifest thru group work.
May 29, 11 am Stone/Bead Bracelet - learn to knit this new craze! Artist Joanne, $10 pp
May 29-30 Memorial Weekend Festival - vendors, readers, tai chi with Sifu James, art classes, demonstrations, join us for this fun filled weekend!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Birthday Wishes
From the bottom of all our hearts we wish Anastasia blessings, love and light on this glorious day. May your life reflect the love and care you've given so many. God Bless and Happy Birthday my baby girl!
More DREAM classes
What's the best way to remember my dreams?
What does it mean when you scream but can't be heard?
I run in my dreams but my legs never move...
I can never see the face of a loved one...
We'll show you techniques and methods to become an active participant in one of the most mystifying realms of sleep state. Come join us as we discover tools of dream empowerment.
Connecting with Dreams Workshop
Saturday - March 20, 2010
1:00 pm
at: Tea Leaf & Tarot
7 Main St (1E & 1F)
Wickford, RI 02852
Fee: $30
snacks & green tea served
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thanks and gratitude
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Valentine Speed Dating
DREAM WORKSHOP - February 20, 2010
Want to know more about your dreams?
Do you dream about reoccurring faces, symbols, or places?
Why is it so hard to remember dreams?
Learn more about the world of dreams. You'll discover why and how dreams affect you and how to use them for guidance and empowerment. We'll openly talk about our past dreams (even nightmares!) Tips on making a dream journal. Fee: $20
Class: Saturday - February 20, 2010 10:00am
Healing Touch Wellness - Wickford
call to reserve space (401) 545-0303
Saturday - February 20, 1:00pm
Positive New Beginnings - East Providence
call to reserve space (401) 432-7195
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
You are invited to attend an orientation for the opening of Tea Leaf & Tarot in March. This new venture will feature a variety of wellness and metaphysical items , a healing room for classes or therapy. If you are looking to expand your practice or showcase your talent we invite you to attend.
Please come on Sunday, January 31st at 1:00pm to 7 Main St. (1E & 1F) in Wickford, RI. Appetizers, desserts, wine and beverage will be served. RSVP:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010